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Microsoft Windows Help File Content
166 lines
:Title Component Writer's Help
1 Component Writer's Guide
2 Introduction to component writing
2 Writing components=cwgIntroductionToComponentWriting
3 What is a component?
4 Functional definition=cwgFunctionalDefinitionOfComponent
4 Technical definition=cwgTechnicalDefinitionOfComponent
4 Component writer's definition=cwgPracticalDefinitionOfComponent
3 What
s different about writing components?
4 Component writing is nonvisual=cwgComponentWritingIsNonVisual
4 Component writing requires deeper knowledge of objects=cwgComponentWritingAndObjects
4 Component writing follows more conventions=cwgComponentWritingConventions
3 Summary of creating a component
4 Creating a component=cwgCreatingAComponent
2 Overview of component creation
3 The Visual Component Library=cwgTheVisualComponentLibrary
3 Components and classes=cwgComponentsAndObjects
3 How do you create components?=cwgWhatKindsOfComponentsCanYouCreate
3 Component starting points
4 Modifying existing controls=cwgCustomControls
4 Creating original controls=cwgWindowedControls
4 Creating graphic controls=cwgGraphicalControls
4 Subclassing Windows controls=cwgSubclassedControls
4 Creating nonvisual components=cwgGenericComponents
3 What goes in a component?
4 What goes in a component?=cwgWhatGoesInAComponent
4 Removing dependencies=cwgRemovingContracts
4 Properties and events and methods=cwgPropertiesEventsAndMethods
4 Graphics encapsulation=cwgGraphicsEncapsulation
4 Registration overview=cwgStreamingAndRegistration
3 Creating a new component
4 Creating a new component=cwgCreatingANewComponent
4 Using the Component wizard=cwgUsingTheComponentExpert
4 Creating a component manually
5 Creating a component manually=cwgCreatingAComponentManually
5 Creating a new unit=cwgCreatingAUnit
5 Deriving the component=cwgDerivingTheComponentObject
5 Declaring a new constructor=cwgDeclaringANewConstructor
5 Registering the component=cwgRegisteringTheComponent
4 Testing uninstalled components
5 Testing uninstalled components=cwgTestingUninstalledComponents
4 Installing a component on the Component palette
5 Installing a component on the Component palette=cwgInstallingAComponent
5 Adding a component=cwgAddingAComponent
5 Where to place your component=cwgWhereToPlaceYourComponent
5 Modifying how the component library is built=cwgModifyingHowVCLIsBuilt
2 OOP for component writers
3 OOP for component writers=cwgOOPForComponentWriters
3 Creating new classes
4 Creating new classes=cwgDerivingNewObjects
4 Deriving new classes=cwgDerivingNewTypes
4 Declaring a new component class=cwgDeclaringANewComponentType
3 Ancestors and descendants
4 Ancestors and descendants=cwgAncestorsAndDescendants
4 Class hierarchies=cwgObjectHierarchies
3 Controlling access to classes
4 Controlling access=cwgControllingAccess
4 Hiding implementation details=cwgHidingImplementationDetails
4 Defining the developer's interface=cwgDefiningTheDevelopersInterface
4 Defining the runtime interface=cwgDefiningTheRuntimeInterface
4 Defining the design-time interface=cwgDefiningTheDesignTimeInterface
3 Dispatching methods
4 Dispatching methods=cwgDispatchingMethods
4 Regular methods=cwgRegularMethods
4 Virtual methods=cwgOOPVirtualMethods
4 Overriding methods=cwgOverridingMethods
4 Passing classes as parameters
5 Classes and pointers=cwgObjectsAndPointers
2 Creating properties
3 Why create properties?=cwgPropertyWhy
3 Types of properties=cwgPropertyTypes
3 Publishing inherited properties=cwgPublishingInheritedProperties
3 Defining component properties
4 The property declaration=cwgPropertyDeclaration
4 Internal data storage (properties)=cwgPropertyStorage
4 Direct access=cwgDirectAccess
4 Access methods (properties)=cwgPropertyMethods
4 Default property values=cwgDefaultPropertyValues
3 Creating array properties
4 Creating array properties=cwgCreatingIndexedProperties
3 Writing property editors
4 Writing property editors=cwgWritingPropertyEditors
4 Deriving a property-editor class=cwgDerivingAPropertyEditorObject
4 Editing the property as text=cwgEditingThePropertyAsText
4 Editing the property as a whole=cwgEditingThePropertyAsAWhole
4 Specifying editor attributes=cwgSpecifyingEditorAttributes
4 Registering the property editor=cwgRegisteringThePropertyEditor
2 Creating events
3 Creating events=cwgCreatingEvents
3 What are events?
4 What are events?=cwgWhatAreEvents
4 Events are closures=cwgEventsAreMethodPointers
4 Events are properties=cwgEventsAreProperties
4 Event types are closure types=cwgEventHandlerTypes
4 Event handlers are optional=cwgEventHandlersAreOptional
3 Implementing the standard events
4 Implementing the standard events=cwgImplementingTheStandardEvents
4 Identifying standard events=cwgWhatAreTheStandardEvents
4 Making events visible=cwgMakingEventHooksVisible
4 Changing the standard event handling=cwgChangingTheStandardEventHandling
3 Defining your own events
4 Triggering the event=cwgSpecifyingTheEvent
4 Defining the handler type=cwgDefiningTheHandlerType
4 Declaring the event=cwgDeclaringTheHandlerLink
4 Calling the event=cwgCallingTheHandlerLink
2 Creating methods
3 Creating methods=cwgCreatingMethods
3 Avoiding interdependencies=cwgAvoidContracts
3 Naming methods=cwgNamingMethods
3 Protecting methods
4 Protecting methods=cwgPublicOrProtected
4 Methods that should be public=cwgMethodsThatShouldBePublic
4 Methods that should be protected=cwgMethodsThatShouldBeProtected
3 Making methods virtual=cwgVirtualMethods
3 Declaring methods=cwgDeclaringMethods
2 Using graphics in components
3 Using graphics in components=cwgUsingGraphicsInComponents
3 Overview of graphics=cwgOverviewOfGraphics
3 Using the canvas=cwgUsingTheCanvas
3 Working with pictures
4 Using a picture, graphic, or canvas=cwgPicturesGraphicsAndCanvases
4 Loading and storing graphics=cwgGraphicsInFiles
4 Handling palettes
5 Handling palettes=cwgHandlingPalettes
5 Specifying a palette for a control=cwgSpecifyingAPaletteForAControl
5 Responding to palette changes=cwgRespondingToPaletteChanges
3 Using offscreen bitmaps
4 Offscreen bitmaps=cwgOffscreenBitmaps
4 Creating and managing offscreen bitmaps=cwgCreatingAndManagingOffscreenBitmaps
4 Copying bitmapped images=cwgCopyingBitmappedImages
3 Responding to changes
4 Responding to changes=cwgRespondingToChanges
2 Handling messages in your application
3 Handling messages
4 Understanding the message-handling system=cwgUnderstandingMessages
4 What's in a Windows message?=cwgWhatsInAWindowsMessage
4 Dispatching messages=cwgDispatchingMessages
3 Changing message handling
4 Overriding the handler method=cwgOverridingTheResponseMethod
4 Using message parameters=cwgUsingMessageParameters
4 Trapping messages=cwgTrappingMessages
3 Creating new message handlers
4 Defining your own messages=cwgDefiningYourOwnMessages
4 Declaring a message identifier=cwgDeclaringAMessageIdentifier
4 Declaring a message-structure type=cwgDeclaringAMessageRecordType
4 Declaring a new message-handling method=cwgDeclaringANewMessageResponseMethod
2 Making your components available at design time
3 Registering components
4 Registering components=cwgRegisteringComponents
4 How do I register a component?=cwgRegisteringComponentsWithTheIDE
4 Writing the Register function=cwgWritingTheRegisterFunction
3 Adding palette bitmaps
4 Adding palette bitmaps=cwgAddingPaletteBitmaps
3 Providing Help for your component
4 Providing Help for your component=cwgProvidingHelpOnProperties
4 Creating the Help file=cwgCreatingTheHelpFile
4 Adding Help files to C++Builder Help=cwgAddingHelpFilesToC++BuilderHelp
3 Storing and loading properties
4 Storing and loading properties=cwgStoringAndLoadingProperties
4 Using the store-and-load mechanism=cwgStoreLoad
4 Specifying default values=cwgSpecifyingDefaultValues
4 Determining what to store=cwgStoringUnpublishedData
4 Initializing after loading=cwgInitializingAfterLoading